Friday, January 23, 2009

my family

here is my ridiculously fast growing family. my two great parents, four older sisters, four brother in laws, and i dont know how many nieces and nephews. since i snapped this shot on dec 24th there are at least two more babies on the way. someday i might find a lovely wife of my own and start adding to the numbers :) as for now - being "uncle ben" is pretty great!


okay - so for any of you that "followed" my old blog - you notice that its gone! i was so pathetic at blogging in 2007/2008 that i decided to scrap the whole thing (minus my first blog entry ever which i saved and copied to this one) im still not sure i completely understand the whole blog concept - but maybe if nothing else it will give my clients and potential clients a chance to get to know "the man behind the camera" a little better.
sooo - ive made one of my 2009 business resolutions to ACTUALLY BLOG. i even went ahead and got a little app on my phone that will allow me to "blog on the go". ill try to post new pictures on here from recent shoots (since it usually takes about 12 months for me to put my new work on my website) or just random photos from my personal life.
- to any of my 2008 clients - I will be trying to update my website soon. make sure to check in regularly, as I will make sure to put a few pictures from each of your weddings on the site. :)
i cant wait for 2009 - my clients so far are great! im really looking forward to working with all of you. im also excited to update the site with some of my best work thus far. who knows when that will actually happen. hopefully soon! :)
tomorrow officially kicks off the 2009 season. Leslie and Josh - I cant wait. more soon. - ben

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


well ladies and gentlemen ... i have finally given in and jumped on the photographer blog page bandwagon. it occured to me that i think im the only photographer i know that doesnt (didnt) have one. so here i am. why did i fight the madness for so long? it just seemed so "out of touch to me". i remember growing up - when you wanted to talk to someone you talked to them. i used to WALK over to my friends house to see if they could play. then came cell phones, which are great, but just one more way to screen calls and people out of your life. "just call my cell" - then email, chat, myspace, facebook ... and in my opinion the worst of them all BLOGS. it just said to me "i dont have time for people so im just going to write down whats going on in my life and let you read about it instead of getting together with me and hearing about it ... etc" - ive actually heard conversations "hey whats new" - "DUDE, you have to read my blog". WHAT?! well hey before i start going off on my soap box - i will admit that as of recent, my views on the whole thing have changed ... and thats why youre reading this. i guess this can be a great way to let people track whats going on in your life and business - i am however committed to not spending TONS of time on this. i hope to leave just enough info to maybe spark your interest to give me a call and ask to go get coffee. :) i dont really plan on seperating my business blog and personal blog ... so who knows what youre going to see when you come here. all are welcome and comments will be appreciated. i hope this becomes something that some of you can enjoy - if nothing else you should get a laugh at my poor spelling and grammatical erros - im a "visual communicator" :) - a real update will be coming soon!