okay - so for any of you that "followed" my old blog - you notice that its gone! i was so pathetic at blogging in 2007/2008 that i decided to scrap the whole thing (minus my first blog entry ever which i saved and copied to this one) im still not sure i completely understand the whole blog concept - but maybe if nothing else it will give my clients and potential clients a chance to get to know "the man behind the camera" a little better.
sooo - ive made one of my 2009 business resolutions to ACTUALLY BLOG. i even went ahead and got a little app on my phone that will allow me to "blog on the go". ill try to post new pictures on here from recent shoots (since it usually takes about 12 months for me to put my new work on my website) or just random photos from my personal life.
- to any of my 2008 clients - I will be trying to update my website soon. make sure to check in regularly, as I will make sure to put a few pictures from each of your weddings on the site. :)
i cant wait for 2009 - my clients so far are great! im really looking forward to working with all of you. im also excited to update the site with some of my best work thus far. who knows when that will actually happen. hopefully soon! :)
tomorrow officially kicks off the 2009 season. Leslie and Josh - I cant wait. more soon. - ben