Thursday, February 19, 2009

tats ...

thank you Kendra for reminding me of my new years resolution to "actually blog". i have indeed failed miserably thus far - but did anyone really expect otherwise. i dont know why its so difficult for me to do this with any sort of consistency. i really will make one last attempt to do this blog thing "for real". :) is it bad that i had to reset my password to log into this blog after numerous failed attempts ... its been like a month since i logged in. i thought i would share my newest art with you guys ... and no its not a photo or even something i created. i decided to get a tattoo a couple weeks ago. my mom always told me there were two things she never wanted me to have .... a motorcycle .... have one ... and a tattoo .... have two. sorry mom. shes been a good sport about both though! i got my first tattoo (the little cross on the shoulder) right after highschool and immediately wanted to get another, but decided to wait, since ive heard you always want another one right after you get inked up. well being the impulsive person that i am, i was shocked that its been 5 years since that first tattoo and im just getting my second, and more than likely my last. who knows. i wish i had taken my camera to get some fun shots of the whole process, but my buddy snapped a few with my phone for me ... better than nothing. the verse is Philippians 3:8 "i consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus". having that on my body has been a huge reminder and constant challenge to imitate Christ, and make that verse true in my truly consider everything else nothing compared to knowing him. hope all is well. its almost Friday!!!!

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