Wednesday, March 4, 2009
are you in good hands ....
i dont think im being dramatic when i say im blessed (some might say lucky) to be alive. last weds (2/25) i was driving downtown in my brand new fully loaded accord (loved this car so much) when i got t-boned and flung into a pole. the initial hit (from the other car) wasn't too bad - i mean it hurt, but not nearly as much as getting slammed into the pole.
i think i was knocked out for a few seconds ... when i came to, i realized all my airbags had gone off - my car was facing the wrong way on long street (a one way st), my horn was beeping, my car was filled with dust and a nasty smell, and i was struggling to breath as all the wind had been knocked out of me. my initial reaction was to get out of the car, but after i realized my drive door wouldnt open i began painfully crawling acorss the middle console to get out of the passenger side. my chest and sides were burning with pain, and my knee was throbbing. i had a few random cuts from the broken glass and some random
bumps - but A) i was alive and B) i was walking (well limping). it was only a couple of minutes before the fire trucks, emts, and police were all over asking questions. by the time i left the intersection, after getting my car towed, i had probably heard about 10 people say "you dont see people walk away from something like that". a couple of the firemen actually asked if i would be offended if they took a picture of my car to show their families. so its safe to say i felt blessed from the very start, but then when i got a call from the shop where my car was towed, and a call from the insurance adjuster a few days later to say "dude youre LUCKY" - i knew that this must be something special. i have no doubt God protected me - as well as great engineering from honda. anyways - i have a couple broken ribs (so painful, hard to sleep) and a bruised and possibly torn knee. the doctors got me on some vicodin which definitely helps take the edge off. oh and by the way - that happened weds and saturday i had a wedding 2.5 hours away - i took an assistant
to carry my bags and heavy gear and got through the wedding just fine (somehow). i had a great time with jessica and nathan. i dont think they would have a problem with me sharing this ... but they actually waited for the altar to have their first kiss. i have heard of couples doing that before - but never worked for a couple. we did their couple pictures before the ceremony - which definitely made things interesting since they weren't kissing - but it forced me into something new, which im always excited about - and we got some great fun shots. it was awesome to see them have their first kiss as husband and wife. so yeah - im going to throw a little plug in here for Allstate because they have been AWESOME. ive never had an accident or any run ins with the insurance company for that this was all new to me. they have more than taken care of me and have followed through with everything they promised. if you dont have allstate - GET IT! :) as for whats next ... ill be going to st petersbug russia for a shooting trip in about 2.5 weeks! ill tell you more about that later. blessings!
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We just got our picture CD and I wanted to tell you that our pictures are absolutely awesome! And let me tell you... God definitely had some plans for you still when you came out of that wreck okay. I'm a reserve police officer in Indiana and the one thing they prepare us for is our first fatality accident and during training, I've seen vehicles with A LOT less damage end up so much more worse. Liz mentioned to me at the wedding that you were recently in an accident, but she didn't say it was that bad.
Anyways, sir, thank you for the fantastic set of wedding memories. Liz couldn't wait to show me the photos online when you got them up there. We are both very happy that you were there to do them. Have a fantastic day, week, year, life, sir. :)
Korey and Elizabeth Flinn
--May 23, 2009--
Korey - sorry for my lack of response - you can probably see from this blog that i never use it - i JUST read this comment. thank you so much man - i feel so blessed to be alive and well - the cops/emts on the scene said the same thing - they were shocked at how well i was.
i was honored to be part of your big day. it was a blessing to see two people so in love with eachother and so in love with Jesus, join together. i wish you both nothing but the best! call me if i can ever do anything for you guys!
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